Concerning toddlers watching television, it is thought that those under two years old should not watch any television. After that age, watching television should be limited to less than two hours a day and some professionals advise for no more than one hour per day.
Below is a link to to a website that advises on the healthy use of televisions, computers and small screens:
Ewe Know Series
Our Customer Rating for all: Primary Audience for all: Ages 2-6. Time: two 30 minute episodes on each DVD.
Format: North American or multi-region DVD player. The stories are about 100 sheep with five main characters and four wolves who always fail in trying to have sheep for dinner. They give good lessons in life and display Christianity. The music is fast paced.
Volume 1: Who Do EWE Follow? A lesson about following the Great Shepherd.
Who Do EWE Trust? A lesson about trusting the Great Shepherd. The day of the field trip has arrived. Nails takes too much stuff because he does not trust anyone but himself. But is he truly prepared for the adventure that awaits them?
Volume 2: Do EWE Share? A lesson about sharing with your friends. The pancake breakfast is a few days away. While the others sleep Spunky secretly slips away to get all of the stickleberries for the syrup … to keep for himself. With the wolves in pursuit will Spunky learn that it doesn’t pay to be greedy?
Are EWE Thankful?
Volume 3: Are Ewe Afraid? A Lesson about overcoming your fears. Our woolly friends take to the great outdoors for an overnight in the woods. While gathered around the camp fire one of them tells a scary story about the legend of Big George. Will our adventurers remain happy campers and learn that fears seem scarier in the dark, but the light of day reveals the truth?
Ewe Going There? A lesson about following directions.
Do EWE Sing? The songs from the stories.
DVD Read and Share Bible (Thomas Nelson Publishers) Stories from the Old and New Testaments
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Ages 3-7
Time: This has two versions: one with 13 stories that are each 3 minutes long and the second where the whole DVD is 30 minutes long. The advantage of the 13 stories of 3 minutes version is that if there are time restrictions then the parents can easily select how many may be watched. At the start there are a number of adverts for other children’s DVDs.
Volume 1 The stories are: The Beginning, Adam & Eve, The Flood, Abraham, Isaac & Rebekah, Jacob & Esau, Rachel, Jacob & God, John the Baptist, Jesus is Born, Jesus is Tempted, Jesus Loves Children, and One Lost Sheep.
With the Adam and Eve story the snake is not referred to as being bad nor is there any mention of sin. The parables of the Lost Sheep and the Prodigal Son are told quite well but there is no explanation given. The Lord Jesus’ acceptance of children is good.
Volume 2 The stories are: Noah, A Wife for Isaac, The Twins (Jacob & Esau), Joseph in Charge, The Bowing Brothers, A Mean King (Baby Moses), Cloud and Fire, Samuel, Listens The Youngest Son (David the Shepherd), Mary’s Big Surprise, Jesus Tempted by Satan, God’s Spirit Comes to Help (Pentecost) and A Mean Man (Saul Becomes Paul).
Volume 3 The stories are: The Promised Land & Jericho, Samson & Delilah, Ruth & Naomi, Samuel Becomes a Prophet, Young David Meets Goliath, David Becomes King, Elijah Calls Down Fire, Esther Saves Her People, Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego, Miracles of Jesus, Saul Becomes Paul, Apostle Paul in Jail and Paul is Shipwrecked
Volume 4 The stories include: Gideon, Hannah’s Prayer, The Wisest Man, Seven Dips in the Jordan River, Writing on the Wall (Daniel), Jonah, Where is Jesus?, Jesus Walks on the Water, A Very Poor Woman, Jesus’ Best Friends, Philip, Peter in Jail, New Heaven and Earth and A Promise to God’s Child
They are basic stories which are quite accurate, but with omissions that still allow the story to continue. They are clearly and softly told with a warm narrator and keep the attention of young children. There is simple and appealing computer animation, with gentle music and they are narrated like a book instead of using different voices.
Bonus Features: Interviews with real kids, “Behind the Scenes”, Trailers, Colouring Pages and Auto-Start: Kids can watch by simply inserting DVD
Volumes 1 & 2 4 Trailer
Volume 4 Trailer
“The Ultimate Bible Story Collection” Series (Wonder Workshop)
The “Ultimate Bible Story Collection”, is an 8 DVD collection full of favourite Bible stories each with a Bible song! 100 of each to be exact! Over 8 hours of Bible fun! Words appear on the screen so that your child can read along with their favourite Bible stories and songs! These DVDs make it easy and fun to learn about these unforgettable Bible characters when they come to life. They are still pictures with a child narrator along with the character voices spoken by some famous Christian people. They are warmly and appropriately presented for the age.
1. “Awesome Heroes”
Our Customer Rating: Primary Audience: Ages 3-6 Time: 60 minutes
These 10 Bible stories, 8 from the Old Testament and 2 from the New Testament. The gentle music at the start has a bit of a beat added after the first few songs. The stories are: David and Goliath; Esther, Brave Beautiful Queen; Job’s Trouble; Abraham and Sarah’s Surprise; Mighty Sampson; The Journey: Moses; Solomon says; David: Kindhearted King; The Baptism of Jesus; Blinded by the Light: Paul.
2. “Awesome Animals”
Our Customer Rating: Primary Audience: Ages 3-6 Time: 60 minutes
These 10 stories are 6 from the Old Testament, 2 from the New Testament and 2 about God’s promises. They are: Noah’s Ark; Jonah And The Whale; Daniel In The Lion’s Den; One Lost Sheep; He Promises To Protect Us; Donkey Talk; The Triumphal Entry; Adam & Eve; The Psalm Of The Shepherd King and Do Not Worry. Some of the stories or readings are shorter then normal but have longer singing sessions.
A is for Adam
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Ages 2-7 Time: 21 minutes + many extras. Coded for all regions such as UK and USA.
Based on Ken and Mally Ham’s book “A is for Adam”. This entertaining, instructive and colourful journey is all in rhyme and looks at creation, Adam & Eve, sin and God’s salvation. An unforgettable presentation that kids will love.
D is for Dinosaur
Customer Rating: Primary Audience: Ages 2-11 Time: 15 minutes + many extras. Coded for all regions such as UK and USA.
Based on Ken and Mally Ham’s book “D is for Dinosaur”. This entertaining, instructive and colourful journey is all in rhyme and looks at the Biblical place of dinosaurs! It shows the truth about dinosaurs and their relationship to the flood, the fall, the ice age and creation, clear and simple for a child to understand.
Bible Songs Play-A-Song
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Ages 1-4
A board book containing the words to four well known children’s choruses: 1. Jesus Loves Me This I Know; 2. Tell Me the Story of Jesus; 3. Jesus Loves the Little Children & 4. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam. Press a button on the shaped keypad and sing along with one of these favourite melodies. Thousands sold! (Batteries can be replaced).
My Take Along Bible by Alice Joyce Davidson
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Ages 2-6
A beautifully illustrated 22-page board book (7″x8″) with a handle. Includes the following stories: Creation; Adam and Eve; Noah and the Flood; Joseph and his brothers; Baby Moses; Ten Commandments; David and Goliath; Jonah; Jesus is born; Jesus feeds the 5,000 and The Resurrection.
The stories are told in rhyme and a two line personal application is given at the end of each page.
Everything a Child Should Know about God by Kenneth N Taylor
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Ages 3-6
Help your child discover the wonder of God and His Word. Kenneth Taylor explains in child–friendly language and pictures the essential Bible truths. He tells children about Who God is, God’s creation of the world, why Jesus came to earth, how our sins can be forgiven, how the Holy Spirit helps us, and so much more!
When it comes to trusting in Christ for salvation occasionally there is the comment, “Let’s do it now” and occasionally the book speaks as though the child is saved.
The New Bible In Pictures for Little Eyes by Kenneth N Taylor
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Ages 3 ½-6 It is a great first Bible for very young children. The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes has been a favourite for over four decades, with short illustrated Bible stories written in simple language. The new version features entirely updated artwork. This easily portable edition is a good interactive way to communicate the truths of the Bible with the youngest ones in your life.
A beautifully illustrated 24-page board book (7″x 8″) with a handle. Runs through the 6 days of creation, the fall, the flood, the tower of Babel, and ends with the cross and the resurrection. The gospel is very clearly presented in simple terms for young children. The stories are told in rhyme. This is a quality hardback children’s book from New Leaf Press. Comes with a free musical CD.
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Ages 4-7 Time: 30 minutes
If you love the classic folktale, you’ll love the DVD. “The Legend of the Three Trees” is a sweet and simple retelling of a timeless story. Animated colour images come to life as we follow the Three Trees on their journeys through their dreams and disappointments. Each tree has high hopes of holding treasure, sailing the seas, or growing tall. But the Creator has different plans. As each story unfolds, we discover what true greatness looks like and that the Three Trees are more special than they realize. It is not full of action, or even a long DVD, but it’s got it where it counts. It has an excellent message to share.
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Ages 4 – 9. Time: 10 minutes per session
An American series of short stories set in the fictional City of Auto, in which all the citizens are cars and trucks and come to life through bright and captivating animation that has won some Emmy awards. They bring fun and excitement on the road to good choices, values and moral character with over sixty episodes.
There are three versions;
1. Retail Version (is licenced for Home Use only). The original Emmy™ award-winning series, like all DVD versions, are region free, closed captioned and comes with language tracks in English and Spanish.
2. The Auto-B-Good Public School Edition. This was specially created for the education environment. Episodes conclude with a lesson summary and each volume comes with a teacher’s guide to facilitate classroom discussion. It offers a site license for broadcast in classrooms. This edition is ideal for public, private, charter, and even home schools. To learn more go to Rising Star Education.
3. The Auto-B-Good Special edition. The same great DVDs, with added Christian music. These original songs take the character messages from the main episodes with an added spiritual application.
A couple of examples are:
We have not seen every DVD but the ones we have seen were very good. One word of warning: make it wisely clear to your children that the characteristics of the Spirit can only be genuinely lived out by those who have first believed in the Lord Jesus Christ for their salvation.
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Ages 4 – 9
This is another fun animated series, from the producers of Auto-B-Good, featuring truck characters in the town of Crushington Park. They are involved in various situations including roaring over jumps and splashing through the gunk while learning scripture-based everyday lessons in responsibility, obedience, humility, forgiveness and much more.
The world popular “Jungle Doctor Stories” were written by Dr Paul White which includes also a series of “Jungle Doctor’s Fables”. These were produced on filmstrip in the 1970’s. These filmstrips have been remastered and converted into films for a new generation to hear the gospel. There are a total of 25 videos to download from Youtube and share with others.
The Creation Adventure Team – Six Short Days, One Big Adventure
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience Ages 7-12. Time: 37 minutes
Children (and adults!) love this humour filled, information packed DVD. Buddy Davis and the Creation Adventure Team reveal the wonders of the six days of creation with the help of Proto the animatronic robot, and Ivan Idea’s hilarious Bubble Gum Cam. Kids will understand that the universe is the work of God, not chance and millions of years. It all makes sense when you look through biblical glasses!
Buddy Davis is supporting creation as written in Genesis and is of great help in explaining why evolution and big bang hypothesis is illogical. It gives some of the geological arguments for young earth and information about unfossilised dinosaur bones and unfossilised t-rex soft tissue and blood cells as strong evidence of young history of life on only thousands of years old earth. If you want to give your child substantial Biblical teaching this DVD has good scenes and visual aids as well as being in a fast paced and children oriented in style. It was professionally done, has dynamic material and keeps the children’ attention all the way through.
The Creation Adventure Team: A Jurassic Ark Mystery
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience Ages 7-12. Time: 40 minutes
A real-life dinosaur researcher/recording artist Buddy Davis, and the rest of the Creation Adventure Team, explore a dinosaur museum and discover incredible answers to the amazing mystery of the giant lizards. When did they live? How did they die? What about Noah’s Ark and the Flood, and how do we know that there were dinosaurs on the Ark? This good DVD gives clear scientific answers to some of the most debated questions about dinosaurs and the Bible. It covers everything from creation, the flood, the existence of dinosaurs and the result of sin. Creatively done with funny characters and a mix of some animation, high tech puppetry, and actors to keep the children’s interest all the way through. It keeps things moving and is understandable for school-age children. Great DVD bonus features including behind-the-scenes “making of” footage, the director’s commentary track, a discussion guide and funny out-takes from the cutting room floor!
1. “I Dig Dinosaurs”
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience Ages: 6 to adult. Time: 25 minutes
Join adventurer Buddy Davis on an exciting dinosaur dig in the Badlands of Montana! This real-life dinosaur researcher discovers a big dinosaur bone, and in the process shows the effects of Noah’s Flood on the Montana landscape. Your children will see a remote part of the USA where the floodwaters scoured the earth and left a mangled graveyard of dinosaurs, fish, plants, and more—a treasure trove of fossils! This is enhanced with pop-up animation, original music, and lots of personality. Dr. John Whitmore, a paleontologist, explains the facts surrounding the red blood cells and pliable tissue recently found in dinosaur bones! How could these remains last for millions of years? It is an entertaining and thoughtful introduction to dinosaurs. This fast-paced DVD overflows with fun Bible-based dinosaur facts that children (and adults!) love. Plus a number of bonus features, including a look inside Buddy’s dinosaur design studio, a peek at the mechanics that power the animatronic beasts at the Creation Museum near Cincinnati, extra teaching about the creatures in the Creation Museum’s ”Dinosaur Den,” and much more! All the family can watch and enjoy it. Buddy emphasises the truth of the Bible with his scientific and solid creation teaching about God’s Word regarding dinosaurs and brings in some elements of the Gospel as well. The DVD comes with a full colour poster for free
2. “Swamp Man”
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience Ages: 6 to adult. Time 45 Minutes
Children of all ages, as well as adults, will love to learn with the enthusiastic explorer/singer Buddy Davis “on-location” about the amazing animals of the Everglades. The interesting trip includes an air boat, all-terrain vehicles, flat bottom boats, and hikes that informatively reveals powerful alligators, amazing manatees, intelligent dolphins, cranes, a black bear, snakes, snapping turtles, and more! You probably didn’t know just how big the variety of everglades animals is. This DVD has pop-up pictures and facts about each animal, with God’s special design in each of them. What the grandfatherly Buddy reveals fits in with the Bible being God’s Word, sound creation facts and a good Gospel presentation. The children will likely also love the DVD bonus features.
3. “Extreme Caving”
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience Ages: 6 to adult. Time: 58 minutes
Here you will see the incredible wonders of nature as Buddy Davis crawls, squeezes and climbs through mysterious underground passages and reveals clear evidence of Noah’s Flood.
You’ll also find out more about bats, blind cave fish, cavemen and how caves formed when Buddy talks with several leading scientists. This gives practical advice about caving and a map was often referred to about where they were going. The moviemaking quality is again very good, in the gorgeous caves located in the eastern United States with various scientific explanations of the cave formations and effects. It’s the next best thing to visiting a real cave. It certainly emphasises confidence in God and His word and quotes it. It shows that creation and Grand Design, and not evolution, come out of the talks with the experts. Buddy just has that way about him that entertains and teaches families. The Gospel is not brought in but there are various spiritual songs that are played while Buddy climbs various places. DVD includes free music video, other bonus elements and a free wall poster.
4. “Alaska”
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience Ages: 6 to 12. Time: 25 minutes
This is another good DVD where children and families will learn animal and nature facts that are all based in the truth of what the Bible says. You will learn about: the many species and variations within bears and how they all originate from the biblical kind, God calling us to be fishers of men, the raising of the mountains and lowering of valleys, the value of gold in the Bible, and more! At only 25 minutes, like “I Dig Dinosaurs”, it is shorter than the two previous Amazing Adventures series i.e. Swamp Man 45 minutes long and Extreme Caving which was 58 minutes long. It was quite surprising when the film started wrapping up as it seemed it had just started! We also thought that this DVD was aimed more for children than the previous ones which also reached adults.
Bledlow Ridge Series
Customer Ratings for all: Ages individually given below.
In PAL format i.e. suitable for the UK, Australia, Africa etc. but not suitable for the USA or Canada.
1. The Outsider
Primary Audience: Ages 7-12. Time: 60 minutes.
Matt desperately wants to belong. He’s a new boy in a British School and from the USA. However one particular person is equally determined to stop Matt from joining his circle of friends. Even Amy, the one friend he does have, seems to be making things worse! This is not helped when Matt and Amy stumble across a cantankerous old man who demands their help and rewards them only with insults and ingratitude. As Matt tries to win a place as an insider, his skill on the soccer pitch, his personal loyalties and ultimately his faith are all placed in a pressure cooker. Then someone turns up the heat!
2. The Intruder
Primary Audience: Ages 8-12. Time: 55 minutes.
The comfortable existence of the Barton family is shattered when the insecure cousin Kevin (14) comes to stay. Everyone’s patience is tested severely as the intruder unintentionally sets about breaking up their furniture, their security and even their very lives. Rachel (13) resents the intrusion intensely and does her best to set the rest of the family against this unwelcome guest. An adventure unfolds when the four children discover a cache of stolen property in a derelict old house. What should they do with it? Their various reactions bring to the surface some of the behaviour and attitudes that must be dealt with in every child. Here is a family with all the typical problems that most of us face. In it, Kevin struggles between the desire to run away and the desperate longing to be accepted for who he is. This is a heart-warming story of a young boy’s struggle for acceptance, and his discovery of a love that welcomes him without reserve.
3. The Rescuer
Primary Audience: Ages 8-12. Time: 59 minutes.
“They’re killing the eagles!” shouts Rachel. Determined to bring the culprits to justice, she recklessly draws the others into danger and an adventure they never wanted. While Matt stands up to Rachel’s angry taunts, he’s unable to save her and her friend Cassie from an even greater danger. As darkness falls, a terrified Cassie pleads with Rachel not to leave her alone on the treacherous cliff. The ferociously independent rescuer, now trapped by her own growing compassion, is herself in need of help. Frightened and dismayed, she is faced with a decision that will change her life for ever. This fast-paced film is a blend of classic adventure, breath taking scenery (the Lake District, England) and a heart-warming discovery of the love and forgiveness of God.
Odyssey Series by Focus on the Family.
Customer Ratings for all: or
Primary Audience for all of them: Ages 6-12
A DVD and CD series that has been running for 20 years and some are mentioned below.
1. Adventures in Odyssey – A Journey of Choices 4 CDs
Adopting a dog was supposed to help Donna Barclay cope with the changes her family’s had recently. So far, it’s been anything but that! Meanwhile, Sam gets into more trouble than he bargained for when he tries to prove that “nice guys finish last.” And a carelessly uttered word in the middle of an argument between Connie and Eugene wreaks havoc when it becomes the fashionable insult. Don’t miss each exciting, action-packed adventure.
2. Adventures in Odyssey – Passport to Adventure 4 CDs
Get ready! A wild ride is ahead! These exciting escapades include time travel, a hunt for a comic thief, a kidnapping — even a trip to Hawaii! Along the way, you’ll discover important truths about God and how He cares for you!
The DVDs are not so easy to get but are available, new and second hand from Amazon. Format: North American or multi-region DVD player.
The Hiding Place
Customer Ratings: and
Ages: This DVD is not classified but I would give it a PG with minimum age of 9/10 years. Suitable for DVD players in America and the UK.
Time: 2 hours 25 minutes, plus a second DVD full of bonus material. Languages: English, French, German, Portugese and Spanish. Subtitles in English only.
This is a true story. Corrie and Betsie Ten Boom are middle-aged sisters working in their father’s watchmaker shop in pre-World War 2 Holland. Their uneventful lives are disrupted with the coming of the Nazis. The Ten Boon family hid numbers of Jews in their home and are caught. Corrie and Betsie were sent to Ravensbruck concentration camp, where their Christian faith keeps them from despair and bitterness. Betsie eventually dies, but Corrie survives, and after the war, must learn to love and forgive her former captors. Here is the dramatic movie that has moved millions to learn that “No pit is so deep that God is not deeper still.” “One of the 10 best films of 1975” (Jeffrey Lyons) that was digitally remastered.
“Animated Stories from the Bible” for the Old Testament (12 DVDs)
and “The Animated Stories from the New Testament” (24 DVDs).
We have not seen many of these but considering the quality of the OT and NT stories they are probably worth watching.
Customer Ratings for all Old Testament and New Testament Stories: Ours are:
Primary Audience for all: Ages 6-11.
Time: 24 Minutes Suitable for DVD players in the UK.
‘In this beautifully animated series of Old Testament Bible stories attention to scriptural detail is good overall, but there are discrepancies in some episodes (most of which are very minor).’ (Christian Spotlight on Entertainment). You can buy them as a pack of 36 DVDs, the Old Testament in a pack of 12 DVDs and the New Testament in two packs of 12 DVDs each. Some are interactive DVDs and some can be downloaded as audio and others downloaded as Activity and Colouring Books.
“Abraham and Isaac”
Abraham’s obedience to God is rewarded through the ultimate test of trust. It is well done and accurate except at the end. It shows some of the tensions between Sarah and the Ishmael’s mother Hagar. It also depicts the stark contrast between the selfish heart of Ishmael and his younger half-brother, Isaac. However when it comes to sacrificing Isaac, Abraham is shown to question God and asks what sin he has committed and he will repent of it which is not in the Bible.
“David and Goliath”
David is the prophet’s surprise choice as the future king. But later armed with only a slingshot and faith in God, David courageously faces a fearsome giant. It also shows obedience and determination. This is well done. I do not think that the table manners at Jesse’s house would have been quite as bad as made out. David finally goes to the battle where he deals with Goliath with his sling. There is no bloodshed shown.
“The Prodigal Son”
This parable tells of the son who comes home to a forgiving father after squandering his share of his inheritance. This is well and quite accurately made. The DVD starts with a song about being glad to see you home and then with the Lord Jesus talking with the crowds (who are a bit sparse for crowds) and the Pharisees both before and after the parable. The son’s wasting of money in the far country is appropriately shown. He is brought to his senses and comes home to his father’s welcome.
“The Good Samaritan”
A story of robbers, a Rabbi, a Levite, a wounded traveller and a stranger with a big heart who teaches us to love our neighbours. This is well and quite accurately made. This one is more for Christians. It shows the man of the house thinking that all would be well for his journey despite what others say. However he is robbed and beaten and thrown over the precipice but afterwards manages to climb back to the road again! The Jew’s enmity for the Samaritan is clearly shown as well as the great care that the Samaritan had for the stranger by the roadside.
“Jesus, The Son of God”
While this DVD makes some good points, on balance we do not recommend it.
“The Miracles of Jesus”
Christ’s compassion is evident in these stories of miracles that illustrate His love. This is also well and quite accurately made.
Golden ROM
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Ages 5-10. Total time: 50 minutes.
Coded for all regions such as UK and USA.It has three sections: The first is a delightful tale involving chipmunks, a flashy car, and character-forming choices. Will greed motivate Myron to take the treasured Golden ROM and endanger those he loves most? How will the others react? The second is Grimm’s engaging fairy tale that teaches that greed does not pay and all can make a contribution to life. The third is a short 2min 30sec animation of the Spanish children’s song “Don Gato” where a cat has fallen in love with another cat but dies. He comes back to life and finds his “cat-heart” again.
Treasures of the Snow
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Ages 6-12. Time: 107 minutes. Playable in the USA and UK.
Based on the best-selling children’s classic book (also available) by Patricia St John, “Treasures of the Snow”. Set in the breath-taking beauty of the Swiss Alps the film is a touching tale of forgiveness and reconciliation. Lucien, a lonely boy of 13, finds himself an outcast from his family and friends, especially his very hostile neighbour Annette. When he becomes friends with an old woodcarver he begins to have hope, but learns that a price has to be paid for forgiveness.
The Tanglewoods’ Secret
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Ages 6-12. Time: 60 minutes. Coded for all regions such as UK and USA.
Based on the best-selling children’s classic book (also available) by Patricia St John, “Tanglewoods’ Secrets”. A delightful film about Ruth and her brother Philip stay with their overly strict aunt while their parents are overseas. Ruth runs away and learns about the Good Shepherd and His love for lost sheep just like her. Later, when a friend is seriously hurt in an accident and afterwards dies, Ruth faces many questions about death which are nicely spoken about.
The Treasure Map
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Ages 6-12. Time: 87 minutes. Coded for all regions such as UK and USA.
Edward White Eyes, a troubled Cherokee boy encounters an unfriendly welcome when he is forced to bunk in Nathan’s room at Thornridge Manor. The boys learn a lesson in trust when they become the targets of a sinister plot and stumble upon the biggest adventure of their lives . . . But Nathan makes the most valuable discovery of all. Includes DVD bonus features. (To find this on the internet you need to type in “The Treasure Map Edward White Eyes”.)
Project Dinosaur
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Ages 6-12. Time: 64 minutes. Coded for all regions such as UK and USA.
Mikey’s chances of winning the science fair take a nose-dive when his experiment suffers a crash landing, but the discovery of a dinosaur bone revives his dashed hopes. Then when Mikey realizes that evolution conflicts with his Christian beliefs, he must decide what he believes and have the courage to defend it, even if it means losing the science fair – and the respect of his classmates and teacher. (To find this on the internet you need to type in “Project Dinosaur Mickey”.)
Episodes Generally
Some Customer Ratings: Ages 6 – 11. Time: just under 30 minutes. Coded for regions such as UK and USA.
The Superbook (reissued 2012-16) is a remake of a 1980ties children’s animated Bible series by using the latest 3D CGI technology. The current animated DVDs series include both English and Spanish audio tracks and subtitles except Episode 1. A bonus feature is that the 1980ties version, usually of the same story, is added afterwards. In March 2017 there were 37 episodes at:
We have not seen many of the episodes and so have added other peoples’ comments in the review. Each of the episodes usually begins with the children Chris, Joy and their robot, Gizmo, getting into a situation that has a Biblical application. While in the situation, they are swept away by Superbook in time travel and arrive at the time of one of the Bible characters. They do come into contact with the characters personally but quite a lot of what they see and hear is Biblically accurate. The animation is very good. Since every child is different you are encouraged to go to the Official Superbook website, {} to view for free some of the episodes before your children watch them. There may be a question about whether you like the certain content or whether it is appropriate for your children’s personalities or maturity. You know your child best. On there are also Superbook computer games and videos. There is a Superbook Bible App with “Do you want to know God?”, Bible Q & A, Bible Profiles, Games, Photos & Videos, Watch Episodes and Daily Quests but we have not checked it.
In the first episode “In the Beginning” the children have this little mechanical thing that all of a sudden comes alive and is called Gizmo. It also shows the story of Lucifer and his followers fighting with angels in Heaven, and then being cast down to earth. The children and Gizmo time travel back to a man and woman who are somewhat under dressed (they don’t show anything, but Gizmo has issue with it and has to ‘fix’ the problem). Also this series portrays some imagery of God as wind and in the relevant Bible stories a lot of imagery of satan. This includes satan going into Judas as he betrays the Lord Jesus and the film shows satan overshadowing Judas. You also see an angel comforting the Lord Jesus as He prays in the garden of Gethsemane before His death. Some watching of the bad Pharaohs, the Jonah in the whale episode, and even Goliath might also bother young sensitive children. “The Last Supper” is good and not graphic but is somewhat intense.
Our Customer Rating:
When Chris and Joy walk in on a teenager burglar, they don’t see any chance that his wrong ways can be changed. However, Superbook takes our heroes on a journey where they encounter a man named Saul of Tarsus, who also seems to be an impossible hard-case. His violent actions towards the church take a startling turn on the road to Damascus. There, the children witness Saul’s amazing conversion to faith in Christ and follow him to his healing and baptism by Ananias. Once the persecutor, Saul, now called Paul, becomes the persecuted and excitingly escape over the city wall. Through experiencing Saul’s dramatic life change, the children return home with a renewed hope that no matter how bad a person has been there is no one that is beyond being saved and that change is always possible when we trust in Christ as Saviour. Some of the DVD may be too intense for young children and there is enclosed a family discussion guide. It also brings out the Gospel and God’s forgiveness. The latest version is more Biblical than the previous 1980ties version which is also on this DVD. The song is played to various scenes in the story.
Revelation – the Final Battle
Our Customer Rating:
Chris accidentally burns down his family’s home and he is sure that there is no forgiveness for that action. Superbook then takes Chris, Joy and Gizmo to witness the end of time. Joy and Gizmo land near the apostle John who informs of the soon coming final battle between satan’s evil forces and God’s army of angels. Chris lands near a supposed angel who turns out to be satan. Chris withstands satan’s thinking and plans during which satan becomes a serpent and chases after him. This would be intense and frightening for young children. Then the trio witness the final battle when Christ and his angels defeat the devil and his forces, which is not too graphic, and the earth is devastated. Then the earth is renewed and that God will wipe away all tears from people’s eyes. However through this experience Chris discovers the greatness of God’s forgiveness and restoration and is forgiven by his parents.
This DVD is for children. There is no mention about the Millennium, nor of the earth being burned up, nor of the great white throne judgment nor of the new heavens and the new earth being created.
In the extras the hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty” is sung to young people dancing and making sign language where appropriate. Also there is the 1980ties version of Saul becoming the King of Israel.
Bonus features included with each episode DVD is a Family Discussion guide! These guides open the door for more questions and answers. There are suggested prayers. And for fun, each DVD comes with a few Superbook trading cards about Bible characters bios and Bible verses. A couple of examples are below.
Some comments about this series are:
“I highly recommend this series.”
“I think Superbook is an exciting way to present the Bible to children. I feel that children will really grow in their Faith and Character!”
“I love the Bible content in the DVD’s, the excellent animation, as well as the highly relevant and easy to understand application to children of varying age ranges and maturity.”
Torchlighters Series
These are animated DVDs presenting true life heroes from history who lived for God. Primary Audience for all: Ages: 8-12 All coded for Region O for UK, USA and many other countries. You can buy all of them in a pack or individually. These stories are also available in books.
The Jim Elliot Story
Customer Ratings: Time: 87 minutes plus many extras.
1956 – From the steamy jungles of Ecuador news spread worldwide that four young Americans had been mercilessly killed by members of the Auca tribe – a people that those young men had gone to serve and befriend. That seemingly senseless tragedy a half century ago has turned into an historic inspirational marvel as that same tribe is now friends with the families of those they killed!
Special features included on DVD: – English and Spanish languages, interviews with and autobiographies of relations, etc.
The William Tyndale Story
Customer Ratings: Time: 30 minutes.
Torchlighter Story – Angry religious leaders have burned William Tyndale’s Bible translations and other writings. Living as a hunted fugitive has its challenges. King Henry VIII has ordered his bounty hunters to track William Tyndale down. The most important book ever written is being kept from all but the most educated and powerful people of the day. Sensing that God’s Word is for all people, William Tyndale defies the authorities and begins the difficult and dangerous work of translating the Bible in secret. Friends and allies will help him along, but enemies hunt for him.
Special features: English and Spanish languages with optional English subtitles. Stimulating interview with Dr. David Daniell, Tyndale scholar and fascinating interview with actor Russell Boulter, voice of Tyndale. Also reproducible student handouts, puzzles and a number of extras.
The John Bunyan Story
Customer Ratings: Time: 30 minutes plus many extras.
Coded for Region 0 for UK, USA and many other countries. John Bunyan spends his days in prison, separated from his wife and children. Living in the cold, stone cell is the price he pays for going against the Church of England. If he would agree to stop preaching, he could walk out a free man. Find out why he stays in jail and how he will continue to serve his Saviour in this horrible place. Special features: English and Spanish languages with optional English subtitles. Fascinating documentary with additional information on Bunyan’s life, filmed at the Bunyan Museum in England. Also reproducible student handouts, puzzles and a number of extras.
The Eric Liddell Story
Customer Ratings: Time: 30 minutes plus many extras.
Coded for Region 0 for UK, USA and many other countries. Pressure to follow public opinion couldn’t get much stronger. National hero, Eric Liddell, is Scotland’s pride and joy. The entire country is eager for their running celebrity to sprint pass the rest of the world and bring home the Olympic gold in the 100 meter race. But when Eric makes the stunning announcement that he won’t race on Sunday because of his religious convictions, he is soon labelled a disgrace and a traitor. See how Eric’s famous stand during the 1924 Olympics prepares him for even greater challenges as a missionary to China during World War II. Special features include a 60 minute documentary, with reproducible student handouts, puzzles and a number of extras.
The John Wesley Story
Customer Ratings: Our Rating:
Time: 30 minutes plus extras.
When young John Wesley is miraculously saved from his family’s burning home, his mother calls him a “brand plucked from the burning.” She believes God has spared the boy for a special purpose. As a man, Wesley tries to live out that special purpose, both at university, afterwards and in America, with his own strength and good works, but it only brings frustration and failure.
Finally, after years of struggle, John and Charles Wesley understand salvation by grace (i.e. underserved favour)! But his new message is not welcome in the established churches where he is thrown out. Then John breaks all the rules and takes his message outside the church walls to the needy and outcast. Out there people also find salvation by faith with its impact in their lives … but there is also opposition. See the drama and some of the effects of the founder of the Methodist movement.
This story is faithful in many details and a good way to start a conversation about how it is not through our good works that we are saved. That we cannot deserve salvation because everyone is a sinner but how God loves us so much that His grace is available to the sinner that believes in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour. However at this point this film is not clear. How you receive this forgiveness and salvation is described as “falling into the Father’s arms”, but how does a child actually, (1) perceive, and (2) do that? God clearly says, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.” (Acts 16:31). This film certainly speaks of Christ dying for our sins, of being saved and knowing it, the love of God and His grace.
The full list, including those not seen by us, is at:
Customers’ Ratings: Our Rating:
Primary Audience: Ages
to Adult. Time: 1 hour 47 minutes.
“Risen” tells the story of Jesus Christ’s (called Yeshua) death and resurrection from an outsider’s viewpoint. Clavius, is an ambitious Roman tribune, but is hardened by a lifetime of shedding blood. He is asked by Pontius Pilate to go to Calvary and finish the crucifixion matters. After Jesus’ crucifixion, His body “disappears,” and Clavius is ordered by Pilate to find His body, whether He be dead or alive. He examines the evidence a bit at a time, including digging up graves and cross examining some of Jesus’ followers, and wants to get to the truth. He is finally persuaded to place his faith in a Messiah Who, it becomes clear to him, is no longer in the grave. Now there is the possibility that he can now experience the kind of abundant life that he has longed for.
Jesus was not the beautiful figure, as often shown in films, but a seemingly regular person Who was marked by the power of God. The film was also down to earth and at times gritty. Jesus was nicely portrayed, showing sometimes His smile that shone with joy, love and peace. This film is generally faithful to the Bible but with some inaccuracies both factually, geographically and chronologically. This includes Mary Magdalene. While Luke 8:2 says “… Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils” the Bible does not say that she was “a woman of the street”. Another inaccuracy is the showing of the Turin shroud because John 20:7 says, “And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself.” Also the Ascension could have been better done.
This film does show war and crucifixion violence but, as a reviewer has commented, not “into the torturous territory explored by The Passion of the Christ”. Another, and historical, reviewer “especially appreciated (the) attention to detail in the meticulously accurate representation …” It is more of a factual rather than an evangelical film although Clavius does say at the end “I believe”.
Christian Computer Games based on Focus on the Family’s Adventures in Odyssey adventure series.
Really exciting and professionally produced computer games for children, and that don’t contain violence are hard to come by – but below are some really educational and challenging Christian computer games.
Customer Ratings for all: Primary Audience for all: Ages 8+
Odyssey Adventure Series
1. Sword of the Spirit
In 1881 a man named Peter McAlister discovered an ancient battle sword in a European castle and brought it back to his home in the town in Odyssey. When his children were older, he created a ‘Gauntlet of Virtues’ to test their character and lead them to the secret treasure. But the night before Peter presented his gift, he died and the McAlister children never found the Gauntlet. The Sword of the Spirit remained an unsolved mystery. Until now.
Join Whit, Connie and Eugene in a chase through abandoned mine-shafts and secret passageways. But they must first pass the Gauntlet of Virtues – nine tests of character such as honesty, kindness and patience. It’s a fast-paced flight through dark tunnels, where every passageway holds another key to the sword’s real power and where virtue itself is in the balance. A truly challenging and fun-filled professionally produced game providing hours of interaction for kids and young people.
2. Treasure of the Incas
A rock crashes through Eugene Meltsner’s window. Attached to the rock is a mysterious message that launches him on a quest for a treasure hidden deep in the jungles of Peru. Along the way, Eugene comes across a treasure map left behind by his parents who have been missing for years. What does it all mean?
Join Eugene and his friends Whit and Connie in an adventure that twists and turns through many levels of intrigue and danger. Its an exciting journey as you help them discover the treasure, and most importantly, discover the truth. You’ll want to take this fun packed journey again and again! A truly challenging and fun-filled professionally produced game providing hours of interaction for kids and young people.
There are many more that we have not seen at:
The ‘Adam’s Venture’ series
From Netherlands-based Vertigo Games ( comes an exciting trilogy of puzzle-adventure games. Customer Ratings from first game: to third game
. Adam and his companions must work together to prevent a corrupt secret society from using ancient, Biblical artefacts for their own evil ends. Exciting, yet family friendly, these games are filled with quality and well worth their low price tag (they can be purchased from, or bought ‘for a song’ on STEAM). Featuring immersive graphics based in the Unreal 3 engine, and excellent sound design from the award winning Jonathan VD Wijngaarden, the experience on offer is well worth the price-tag.
The Bible App For Kids by FREE Download from the internet. Released November 2013.
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Ages 4 – 8 and in an increasing number of languages.
Compatibility: Requires iOS 5.1.1 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimised for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus.
In partnership with YouVersion, OneHope has provided the Scripture content to create the Bible App for Kids. The app features the major stories of the Bible and takes kids on a journey through the meta-narrative of Scripture to help them experience the story. Created for children ages 4-8, the Bible App for Kids is a fun, interactive library of Bible stories. Each story consists of an interactive world centered on the Bible, with animation, narration, music and sound effects. The app was downloaded more than a million times in the first week of its release! Now the Bible App for Kids can actually read teaching questions to your children — and in every language that the Bible App for Kids supports! Many Bible App for Kids stories feature “hidden” activity questions designed to help your kids remember what they’re learning. When your child discovers a thought bubble in a story, they can tap it to reveal fun multiple choice, true/false, and yes/no questions. And now, for the first time ever, they can tap a speaker button above the question, and the Bible App for Kids narrator will read it to them! (Each quiz offers positive reinforcement when your child taps the correct answer — and a hint when they don’t.) There is also a book version.
A comment: “Seriously great app for engaging children. But… On my iPhone it keeps crashing…? Not sure why. Plus, the story of Jesus casting the demons into the pigs is very mature, too mature, to introduce to kids… And mine are pastors kids. Otherwise, GREAT app.”

Customer Ratings: Primary Audience for: Ages 8 – 11 and with upgrades being added.
Compatibility: Requires iOS 6.0 or later on tablets or Android phones. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimised for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus. Not yet available for Windows Phones and PCs.
A preview of the game:
You will join the other Guardians of Ancora to protect the city, a place where light delivers goodness, peace and well-being. The light has been taken away from the city and your role is to bring it back, as you discover the truths that are held in the great stories of the Saga.
- Run, jump and climb your way through stories (Hold jump button for higher jump.)
- Explore the city of Ancora with quizzes and activities (Touch screen to move to next part)
- Complete challenges to collect firebugs and unlock new areas
- Respond to stories by creating pictures, using stickers and making journal entries
- New videos and audio stories regularly added
Comments: “A few bugs, but v promising There’s a few issues that potentially affect game play, but once these are fixed I’m sure it’s going to be excellent.”
Sometimes “loading problems”.
“Great, fun game 🙂 Well done. I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time. You did a great job. I’ll recommend it to others.”
For some it “freezes and sticks”.
‘Full of fun and adventure game.”
Scripture Union reply: The “exit” button that takes you to the Ancora city screen is only available after you complete the first story section. The game is designed as a side-scrolling platformer, and so there isn’t a way to explore sideways. We’ll see if we can make these more obvious in upcoming updates. Thanks for your feedback! We’re working hard to resolve issues with crashes that affect some devices. If you can email us more information about the crashes on then that will help us fix them.
They have been awarded “WINNER Premier Digital Awards 2015: App of the Year” and “WINNER Premier Digital Awards 2015: Innovative Use of Digital Media in Outreach”.
PLEASE NOTE that it is important to check that your computer can handle the system requirements of the games. Check the games’ websites for these specifications.
Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Read to me: age 6-11; Read myself: age 12-14
Publisher: Christian Focus 4 Kids 8″x 9.5″, Hardback, 192 pages
John Bunyan could be said to have authored one of the most influential books in the English language. The Pilgrim’s Progress for his readers is for them to travel through this book as an adventure through the Christian life – retold with pictures as the story of Christian and his companions. It has been a favourite for generations and brings out the same, practical, necessary lessons that everyone needs to know – both today and yesterday. Additional features and study sections have been included to help today’s generation of children to get behind some of the characters and places that Bunyan describes and about Bunyan himself. A small number of archaic words have been changed to modern equivalents and there is a dictionary and footnotes to provide additional help.
“Next to the Bible, the book that I value most is John Bunyan’s ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’, it is the Bible in another shape.” – Charles Spurgeon. “This wonderful work is one of the very few books which may be read over repeatedly at different times, and each time with a new and a different pleasure’ – Samuel Coleridge.
Pilgrim’s Progress 2 – Christiana’s Story
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Read to me: age 6-11; Read myself: age 12-14
Publisher: Christian Focus 4 Kids. 203 x 210 x 240 mm, Hardback, 176 pages
The second part, which this book is, tells the story of how Pilgrim’s wife and children follow him to reach the same destination. Bunyan wants you to travel through this book as an adventure through the Christian life – retold on paper and in pictures. This sequel has an equal place in the hearts of those that read it. Some regard it as even better – though it isn’t so well known. If you haven’t read Christiana’s story before then you will enjoy a new set of challenges to overcome as Christian’s wife and children make their way to the heavenly city. Yet again Bunyan’s imaginative text brings out practical and necessary lessons that everyone needs to know – both yesterday and today. Additional features and study sections have been included to help today’s generation to understand the book. These will help you to get behind some of the characters and places described. There is a ‘life summary’ of Bunyan and some ideas on how to use this book. Some archaic words have been changed to modern equivalents but most of the difficult words are dealt with by using a dictionary and footnotes. This means that although Christiana and her family talk like the medieval travellers they are, you can understand what they’re on about!
Mary Jones and Her Bible
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Ages 7-12
The heart warming, real life story of Mary Jones who was a young girl living in rural Wales in the late 1700s. Mary was a popular girl who worked hard, was keen to learn but longed to have a Bible of her own. She knew that Bibles were hard find and expensive so she saved for six years and walked a round trip of 50 miles on her bare feet and managed to obtain a Bible to bring home. Mary’s determination to get a copy of God’s Word inspired the setting up of the British and Foreign Bible Society. 160 pages.
The Lonely Grey Dog At No. 6
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Ages 7-10
Publisher: Christian Focus 4 Kids. Pocket paperback, 178 x 110 mm, 157 pages
This book is mainly for Christian children and children of Christian parents. There is a lot going on at Canterbury Place. Everyone is really busy as they prepare for the summer holidays. The MacDonald family have been invited to a wedding and Tammy has a special role to play in that. The parents read and interestingly apply the Bible. However,
Tammy keeps going into bad moods and something keeps knocking over the wheelie-bins.
Find out how Jake gets to the bottom of several mysteries and how Tammy and Jake learn about the love and loyalty God wants us to show in all our relationships – particularly our relationship with him. This keeps you reading to the end. Clear print enables young readers to enjoy reading on their own, but not too big to put off older ones. The simple black and white illustrations nicely punctuate the book.
Mrs O. F. Walton wrote books many years ago which children still enjoy.
Customer Ratings for all: Primary Audience for all: Ages 7-13
A Peep Behind The Scenes
When children run past the little circus caravan with its brightly painted doors they sigh with envy. They would love to live in a fairground caravan but they don’t know what it’s like behind the scenes. Rosalie who lives in the caravan knows that her life is not pretty or exciting. Life is very hard for her with a sick mother and a selfish father, and she has to work late as part of the acting company. One day Rosalie and her mother meet a stranger who tells them there is more to life and gives them a picture of a shepherd holding a lamb. He tells them of the great love of the Lord Jesus who longs to look after Rosalie just as a shepherd looks after his lambs. Find out what the future holds for Rosalie. Will she trust in God? Will she find a real home? Find out for yourself from Mrs Walton’s classic children’s story.
Saved At Sea
The waves are rising and the ship is on the rocks. Alick and his grandfather set out in their boat to save as many lives as they can … but this time they only come back with one. A little girl is thrown overboard moments before a huge wave sweeps the wreck away. Who is she? Where are her parents? What are they going to do? As the storm disappears on the horizon, the little mystery girl touches the hearts of some very lonely people. Another stranger arrives on the island and Alick finds out that there is a rock that you can depend on in life, whatever the storms throw at you. Jesus Christ will always be there – an anchor, a fortress, stronger than a lighthouse on the rocks, stronger even than death! Paperback, 121 pages.
Christie’s Old Organ
This was written years ago when people were far more trustworthy. A heart warming and touching story. Christie has no family, has lived on the streets and is overjoyed to be given a roof over his head by old Treffy, the organ grinder. But Treffy is old and sick and Christie is worried about him. All that Treffy wants is to have peace in his heart and a home of his own. That is what Christie wants too. One day a girl called Mabel hears Christie’s old organ playing just outside her window. She becomes Christie’s friend and tells him about another home he can go to if he trusts the Lord Jesus. Will Christie find this home? Will he ever have a family of his own? Let Mrs Walton tell you Christie’s story. 168 pages.
Tug Of War (Original title: “Christie the King’s Servant.”)
“In this sequel to “Christie’s Old Organ”, the young artist, Jack Villiers, goes to the fishing village of Runswick Bay to get away from the pressures of the city and find peace. By sports, storms and the lives of others he learns that a conflict rages for the control of his life. At Runswick Bay he finds that the simple faith of the fishermen causes him to consider his own life and ambitions. Through Christie’s Lord he finds peace and purpose in life.
Come Follow Me
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Ages Teenagers + Time: 34 minutes
This short film explores what it means to be a disciple, a follower of Jesus by showing scenes from the life of the apostle Peter as he journeys with Jesus. Peter’s story has truth with zeal and misunderstanding, misplaced zeal, doubts, fears, and even denial. Peter’s journey is traced from the day he heard Jesus call his name to the post-resurrection Acts c2. So Peter was transformed from fearful denier to the bold preacher. While this film conveys the message of following Christ, the events portrayed are not all in Biblical order and others are missed out. Perhaps Bruce Marchiano has somewhat over acted but it is still heart-warming and film production is good.
The Lost Medallion
Customer Ratings: to
Primary Audience: Ages 11-13. Time: 1 hour 38 minutes
A Christian Family Action Adventure film starting with a man who stops at a caring orphanage to drop off some donations and soon tells the children a story about two teenage friends who uncover a long-lost medallion that transports them back in time. They jump off waterfalls, sneak through caves, and battle their opponent, Cobra, on an island from which they cannot escape, unless Billy discovers the key to reclaiming the powerful medallion and gains a new understanding of faith.
It does not subvert the parent–child relationship nor demonize authority. There is no profanity, sensuality, drugs, alcohol nor graphic violence but the villain kills people by choking and stabbing them with a poisoned fingernail, a person falls into a pit of fire and a main character is shot and killed with an arrow. The story contains the good versus evil but the imagery is not gory or graphic. The evil villain is self-centred and carelessly dominant of others. It is a story of courage and a dominant message of the story is about the heart i.e. that strength lies not in the power of the medallion, but in “the heart.” We are given a synopsis about loving and serving, illustrations of the Lord’s death for us and overtly about God’s love for everyone and that He has a plan for them. We are given a mostly conventional children’s story where children act like real children and they don’t lord some superiority over the adults in the story, though the bad guys are all adults.
Last Chance Detectives Series DVDs and some CDs by Focus on the Family
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience for all of them: Ages 9-14 These films do more than just mention God/faith etc, in passing. They integrate in the film some positive aspects that come from the Christian faith.
1. Mystery Lights of Navajo Mesa DVD Time: 46 Minutes
Join the Last Chance Detectives in this fast-paced mystery adventure as they discover lessons about forgiveness. At first it was a strange voice over an old radio, then inexplicable disappearances and mystery lights in Navajo Mesa developing into a sinister plot with international consequences.
2. Legend of the Desert Bigfoot DVD Time: 53 minutes
Adventure explodes onto the screen, plunging the Last Chance Detectives into a mystery where they learn about integrity and the importance of doing what’s right, even when it’s tough. What are the long coarse strands of hair that the vet cannot identify? What about old Silas’ wild story? Who do the “Big Foot” steps belong to?
3. Escape from Fire Lake DVD Time: 50 minutes. Probably now only available second hand.
Left by two thieves to die in the desert, Mike braves the scorching heat in a desperate attempt to survive. A story of survival and hope, the Last Chance Detectives race against time to follow a trail of clues in a desperate search in a thrilling story of personal faith in God and the difference it makes in times of crisis.
There are other films and CDs that I have not seen but assuming that they are based on the same principles of the above three they would be worth buying. This includes:
4. The Day Ambrosia Stood Still – CD – Limited availability.
One Customer Rating:
Something strange is going on in Ambrosia and Jason Whittaker lands right in the middle of it. His car horn beeps on its own, the radio plays by itself, and the vehicle careens wildly out of control. Things are just as haywire at the Last Chance Diner, where the silverware suddenly moves across the table! The Last Chance Detectives jump on the case, but the mystery deepens after Jason mysteriously vanishes. This is a twist-filled whodunit that explores greed, corruption and other hazards of gambling.
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: suitable for all ages
FLYWHEEL tells the story of a cheating, rude car salesman who eventually comes to Christ and changes his ways, but is threatened when his past comes back to haunt him. FLYWHEEL is one of those rare, low budget movies that totally captures and entertains the audience through the quality of the story.
Facing the Giants
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: suitable for all ages
Facing The Giants is the heart-warming story of a downtrodden Christian high school football coach who turns to God when everything seems to be going against him. Trusting God to do the impossible, Coach Grant Taylor and his Shiloh Christian Eagles soon discover how faith plays out on the field, and off. This action-packed drama from the award-winning producers of Flywheel has had theatre audiences laughing, crying, and cheering.
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Parental Guidance Time 1 hour 58 minutes
Captain Caleb Holt lives by the old firefighter’s saying: Never leave your partner behind. Inside burning buildings, it’s his natural instinct. However in the cooling embers of his marriage it is another story. As Caleb and Catherine Holt are moving to divorce proceedings, Caleb’s dad asks his son to try an experiment: The Love Dare. While Caleb commits to the challenge, can he attempt to love his wife while avoiding God’s love for him? Will he be able to demonstrate love over and over again to a person that’s no longer receptive to it? This is not only a well-made film but a strikingly realistic approach to marriage difficulties. The film’s serious message is seasoned with dashes of humour and plenty of drama, including exciting rescue scenes.
Witness The Beauty of Creation (Also called “God of Wonders”)
Our Customer Rating: Primary Audience: Teenagers to Adults Time: 1 hour 25 minutes
The film takes you in a remarkable journey of discovery as you explore the Creator’s handiwork, the scientific reality of creation and what His creation reveals about his nature. Survey the unimaginable size of the universe, the beauty and symmetry of snowflakes, the power of storms, the complexity of DNA and function of birds, butterflies and seeds. It is a breathtaking tour of both the visible and invisible wonders of God’s creation. It also touches on the conscience, the glory of God and the gospel.
Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution
Customer Ratings for all: Primary Audience for all: Ages 12+
Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution, Vol. 1 DVD
Time: 50 minutes (Coded for all regions such as the UK and USA). This DVD presents powerful evidence that proves animal designs can only be attributed to a creator. Have you ever wondered how geckos walk upside down even on glass? How a giraffe drinks from a stream without causing lethal blood pressure in his brain?
Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution, Vol. 2 DVD
Time: 50 minutes (Coded for all regions such as the UK and USA).
This DVD presents powerful evidence that proves animal designs can only be attributed to a creator. Have you ever wondered how some birds can navigate thousands of miles without getting lost? How some creatures can be cut in half and still regenerate themselves? How fireflies and glow worms can create pure light that generates no heat?
Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution, Vol.3 DVD
Time: 80 minutes (Coded for all regions such as the UK and USA).
This DVD presents powerful evidence that proves animal designs can only be attributed to a creator. Have you ever wondered how Emperor Penguins can go two and a half months without eating or drinking? Or how some dogs know a storm is brewing before it appears?
Dr. Jobe Martin, a former evolutionist, believes that these incredible creatures defy evolution. These are a terrific DVD series. “The incredible series is technically robust and visually stimulating. It’s exciting for all ages. If it was a book you wouldn’t be able to put it down.” John Morris, President, Institute for Creation Research.
The Science of Evolution (Expand Your Mind) Publisher: “Word Of The Master”
Our Customer Rating: Primary Audience: Mid-teens to Adult Time: 30 minutes
This DVD is unique as it does not follow the usual format of Christian experts exposing the theory. Instead, by simply asking them probing questions, it lets evolutionary believers put their own feet in their mouths. Also join Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort as they take an orangutan to lunch and call major airlines to ask if a “relative” can join them on a plane. There is no indication on this DVD that it is Christian or anti evolution.
Lights In Lisuland – Isobel Kuhn by Irene Howat
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience (our opinion): Ages 11-14
Isobel Kuhn wasn’t always a missionary – she wasn’t always a Christian. Her teachers discouraged a belief in God and promoted evolution. Isobel sometimes doubted whether there was anybody there at all to hear her prayers. “They don’t go beyond the ceiling you know,” she once said to her father who was desperately praying for his young daughter. Isobel even considered suicide once but the thought of her parents’ heartache stopped her. Discover what brought this questioning, antagonistic teenager from doubts to faith in Christ. Find out how she affected the lives of countless people on the mission field of China and Thailand. It is a very honest and real account of a person who was committed to God. There were some things she struggled with, especially at first as a missionary. This stirring and challenging story of faith is a role model to young people everywhere and is encouraging to anyone’s spiritual walk.
ANSWERS BOOK 4 TEENS – Vol 1. Your Questions, God’s Answers by Bodie Hodge, Tommy Mitchell with Ken Ham
Customer Ratings: Primary Audience: Ages 13-17
This book contains 15 lessons that are each centred around a core question. The topics covered are about 5-6 pages long and are:
Q1 – How can anyone believe that the Bible is true since it was written so long ago when people didn’t know stuff?
Q2 – If God’s really so great, why does He let so much pain and bad stuff happen in the world, like earthquakes, floods, and wars?
Q3 – I believe God created the earth, but does it really matter how old the earth is?
Q4 – Who has the most evidence – creationists or evolutionists?
Q5 – With everything I hear about God not existing … how can we even know that He does exist?
Q6 – Come on, why would God punish the whole world for one guy’s mistake?
Q7 – If God really loved the world, why would He make a flood to kill everyone off?
Q8 – How could God populate the world with just two people a few thousand years ago?
Q9 – Should people from different races marry each other, or is that wrong?
Q10 – Why should I listen to what the Bible says about sex?
Q11 – If Christians are supposed to love everybody, why do they always seem to hate gay people?
Q12 – How are we supposed to talk about God and the Bible in school when it’s illegal?
Q13 – How can we be sure Jesus is the only way to get to God?
Q14 – The Bible … and dinosaurs … and dragons?
Q15 – Why would God ever want to save someone as messed up as me?
Please note that the key terms are defined in the introduction to ensure that all readers understand what the authors mean by them. Teenagers need answers to the questions and comments that are raised. They need to know that Biblical faith rests on solid ground. The look of this book will appeal to teenagers. The quality of the writing, including a nice tone, should grip their attention. This book covers the issues that teens face in a way that makes sense and speaks at a level of explanation that they can understand and find helpful and engaging. It answers questions about science and the Bible and wisely talks about the difficult subjects of homosexuality and bisexuality explaining why we have to have a standard of right and wrong, and how God is that authority. It takes a look at the reason for sex and why marriage was created by God for a man and a woman. In the context of dealing with sin this book brings in hope and the rescue and salvation that is found through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The book would be helpful to someone just starting out and it wouldn’t be intimidating. It is not recommended to those teenagers who already have a basic knowledge about Christianity. It is recommended that parents and youth leaders use this book to discuss with their teens on any of the questions covered there. One thing to note is that it does speak about schools from a USA viewpoint but some of that is relevant outside the USA.
Author Information: Bodie Hodge is the author of The Fall of Satan: Rebels in the Garden (Master Books, 2011) and co-author of Dragons: Legends & Lore of Dinosaurs (Master Books, 2011). He is on the staff of Answers in Genesis, and is a speaker, writer, contributor, and researcher on a host of topics related to apologetics, biblical history, and the book of Genesis.
Dr. Tommy Mitchell is a scientist, physician, and father who has a burden to provide solid answers from the Bible to equip people to stand in the face of personal tragedy and popular evolutionary misinformation.
Ken Ham is an accomplished author of some of very popular and effective apologetics research available. He is the founder of Answers in Genesis – U.S.A. and the president of the Creation Museum.