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The following resources are recommended as well as their Customer Ratings being added:
“Is God anti-gay? (Questions Christians Ask)” by Sam Alberry – Customer Ratings:
Christians, the church and the Bible seem to be out of step with modern attitudes towards homosexuality. And there is growing hostility towards those who hold a different view. So is God homophobic? And what do we say, and how do we relate to both Christians and unbelievers who experience same-sex attraction. In this short, simple, Scriptural and helpful book, Sam Allberry wants to help confused Christians understand what God has said about these questions in the scriptures.
The “Sexuality Package” by Joe Dallas includes the following resources:
“Desires in Conflict” 243 pages – Customer Ratings:
“I read Desires in Conflict for the first time when I was 19. I was fighting my personal battle with homosexuality, sure that freedom was not possible and afraid that God and the Church hated me … The Lord used Desires in Conflict to shine a light into the darkness and to help guide me out of homosexuality.” (Alan Chambers, Executive Director, Exodus International, North America)
The Conflicts Are Real:
The desire to love God vs The desire to be loved in a way God prohibits
The desire for a normal sex life vs The desire to satisfy feelings that seem normal – but aren’t
The desire to be transparent vs The desire to avoid the pain of misunderstanding
So Are the Solutions
You won’t find any quick fixes in this book. What you will find is effective help for restoring sexual wholeness and moving ahead in your Christian life. Desires in Conflict is important reading not only for men who struggle with their sexual identity, but for anyone who cares about a family member or friend struggling with homosexuality.
“When Homosexuality Hits Home: What to Do When a Loved One Says They’re Gay.” 192 pages – Customer Ratings: or
The heart-wrenching declaration that a loved one is a homosexual is increasingly being heard in Christian households across America. How can this be? What went wrong? Is there a cure? In this straightforward book, Joe Dallas offers practical counsel, step by step, on how to deal with the many conflicts, emotions and help about how to set boundaries that parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters or any family member will experience when learning of a loved one’s homosexuality.
{Joe Dallas says on p93 “The question of eternal security – whether a believer can lose his salvation – has dogged the church for centuries and will probably never be resolved.” The Bible points out the difference between relationship with God, which is based on Christ alone and so cannot be broken (e.g. John 10:27 – 29 and Romans 5:1), and fellowship with God, which is based on me (e.g. 1 John 1:9 and 1 Corinthians 15:34) who fails. A person’s natural relationship is that they are always the son or daughter of their parents even when their fellowship is broken, in the short or long term, by disobedience or disagreement etc. The same applies to us and God. See as well, “Once in Christ, In Christ Forever” by William MacDonald and “Saved Without A Doubt” by John MacArthur. The sinning man in 1 Corinthians 5 cast doubt on his salvation, as seen in v11 “… if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator …”. His genuine salvation was proved by his later sorrow and repentance for his sin as seen in 2 Corinthians 2:7. With 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and Galatians 5:19-21 we have sins committed by unbelievers. So if a “believer in Christ” falls into sin, and in Corinth one was sexual (c5), such could either be a professing believer i.e. a person who says that they have trusted in Christ for salvation when in reality they have not, or a genuine believer. God alone knows that. Also Paul did not say that the Galatians were lost, as they “did run well” (5:7) but with their expressed attitude to the law Paul then had to say, “I stand in doubt of you” (4:20). So Paul could not say whether some, or all, of them were saved or lost, but God knew.}
“The Game Plan: The Men’s 30-Day Strategy for Attaining Sexual Integrity.” 256 pages – Customer Ratings:
Pornography floods our airwaves and PCs, assaulting the senses, and luring its prey to return again and again. It takes more than a little effort for men to resist the temptations. It takes a plan. This book is that plan – a plan for getting back to where sexual integrity can be won, once and for all. Joe Dallas, drawing from seventeen years of counselling practice, and using material that he’s taught for more than ten years, lays out a positive strategy for overcoming harmful sexual addiction. Drawing from his own hard earned lessons and based on Biblical principles and practices Dallas’ method is insightful and simple. The plan really equips those men who have been caught up with pornography, extramarital affairs or any form of sexual sin to abandon that behaviour and not return.
“The Gay Gospel? How pro-Gay Advocates Misread the Bible” 264 pages – Customer Ratings:
Is it possible to be both gay and a Christian? Joe Dallas thought so.
For six years he was both actively gay and a church attending Christian. But deep within he was bothered by one huge question: “Am I basing my decision to embrace the ‘gay and Christian’ identity on the belief that this is God’s will for my life … or on the hope that this is what God might allow?” That question caused Joe to take another look: not just at what he wanted out of life – but at what God wanted for him.
From this unique personal perspective on the pro-gay Christian movement, Joe Dallas provides a:
• Thorough background in the development and nature of the “gay gospel”
• Concise detailed understanding of pro-gay theology’s beliefs
• Clear and Biblical response to each belief
• Practical compassionate plan to bring truth to people who believe that “gay” and “Christian” are compatible.
In “The Gay Gospel” you will find the crucial balance between conviction and compassion and a practical guide to communicating with those who have embraced the pro-gay theology.
- “Straight and Narrow? Compassion & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate” by Thomas Schmidt (Intervarsity Press 1995) – Customer Ratings:
- “The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics” by Robert Gagnon (Abingdon Press 2002) – Customer Ratings:
- ‘The Scripture issue has been examined, with admirable scholarship and clarity, in these two books that I highly recommend. Both these authors examine the original language, historical interpretations and cultural contexts with a comprehensive analysis.’ Joe Dallas.
“For Women Struggling With Lesbianism” by Anne Paulk and recommended by Joe Dallas – Customer Ratings: to
This book offers answers to the most commonly asked questions from both homosexuals desiring change and friends and relatives of women struggling with same-sex attraction.
- Is lesbianism an inherited predisposition or is it developed in childhood?
- Does becoming a Christian eliminate all desire for members of the same sex?
- What support is available for women who struggle with lesbianism?
- Can a woman be a lesbian and a Christian at the same time?
- How does childhood sexual abuse relate to the development of lesbianism?
These and other important questions are answered as the author draws from her own experience and that of many other former lesbians who participated in a valuable survey about same-sex attraction.
“The Wounded Heart: Hope for Adult Victims of Childhood Abuse” by Dr Dan Allender – Customer Ratings: or
Sexual abuse knows no religious or social boundaries. The Wounded Heart is an intensely personal and specific look at this form of abuse. Dr. Allender explores the secret lament of the soul damaged by sexual abuse and lays hold of the hope buried there by the One whose unstained image we all bear. Includes information about false memory issues.
‘Gives a full and excellent overview of the effects of sexual abuse.’ Joe Dallas
“Desire and Deceit” by Dr R. Albert Mohler 176 pages. – Customer Ratings:
Are you ready to respond to the most relevant questions of sexuality today? Lifetime monogamy is passé. Pornography infiltrates nearly every home. Homosexuality is accepted. Lust has been redefined. The family as an institution is questioned. We are reminded every day that assumptions about what is right and wrong, sexually, are different today than they were fifty–or even ten–years ago. Christian principles that formed the pattern for generations of American families are conspicuously absent. What happened and why? How do we respond to the dramatic shift in our culture’s perspective on sex? As one of today’s most influential thinkers, Dr. Albert Mohler addresses these critical topics in a thoughtful, cut-to-the-chase style in Desire and Deceit. As you follow Mohler’s guidance in applying biblical solutions to today’s most highly charged issues, you will be not only equipped but also inspired to speak the truth in a society hungry for answers.
“Such Were Some of You” (DVD) – Customer Ratings:
This honest two hour documentary shows interviews with a “cloud of present-day witnesses” who testify to the same life-transforming power of the Lord Jesus Christ. They describe the development of their same-sex attractions, what the homosexual lifestyle was like, what their conversion process was like, and, with the various struggles, the ways that the Lord Jesus has brought healing to their broken places.
The same DVD has both a regular edition and a Leader’s edition with a Discussion Guide & License for Free Screenings.
“You can change: God’s Transforming Power for Our Sinful Behaviour and Negative Emotions” by Tim Chester – Customer Ratings: or
“Many books are written by experts. This book isn’t one of them,’ admits Tim Chester. ‘It was written out of my own struggle to change. My long battle with particular issues set me searching the Bible as well as writings from the past. This book shares the amazing truths I discovered that now give me hope.’ ‘For years I wondered if I’d ever overcome certain sins. And while I can’t claim to have conquered sin – for no one ever can do – here are discoveries that have led to change in my life and in the lives of others.’ You may be:
- a new Christian, struggling to change the habits of your former way of life.
- an older Christian, feeling you’ve plateaued: you grew quickly when you first believed but now your Christian life is much of a muchness.
- a Christian who’s fallen into sin in a big way, wondering how you’ll ever get back on track.
Other books describe how we should live, but this book outlines how we can change. It’s about hope: the hope we have in Jesus, hope for forgiveness, and hope for real and lasting change. God promises liberating grace and transforming power to his people.” – Publisher.